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Edge Products Comp Plug-In Module 30300-D

Ignition Performance Module

  • Comp Plug-In Module
  • Race Line
  • Controls Fuel Injection Delivery/Timing
Pricing: $739.95


The Edge Comp module maximizes engine efficiency by monitoring the RPM, timing, turbo boost pressure and fueling parameters of your Cummins engine. The Comp module uses this information to determine and control both fueling and timing enhancements for the Bosch fuel injection pump. Timing and fueling enhancements are controlled via CAN-BUS through the Data Link and by connecting directly into the Bosch fuel injection pump.The Edge Comp features five power levels with power gains from 40-120 horsepower. Each of the levels has five independent adjustable sub-levels to control low boost fueling, providing a total of 25 levels of adjustability! The responsiveness settings enable you to dial-in the optimum balance between responsiveness and low boost smoke control no matter what additional power modifications have been made to the engine. The Comp module is fully adjustable on-the-fly and mounts inside the cab.



Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 1.4 lbs.
  • W9.0000” x H3.0000” x L11.0000”

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